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last updated at 2024-02-05
CWL Metadata
Metadata plays a crucial role in enhancing the comprehensibility of CWL files. By embedding additional information about the performer and the process within the metadata,
researchers can create a more comprehensive and informative description of their workflows.
Performer Metadata:
In scientific research, it's essential to know who is responsible for a particular workflow.
By including performer metadata in CWL files, researchers can specify the individuals or teams behind
the development and execution of the workflow.
Process Metadata:
Annotating the CWL file with metadata related to the underlying processes adds another layer of information,
making it easier to understand and reproduce the workflow. Process metadata may include:
- Description of Processes: Detailed explanations of the steps involved in the workflow, providing context for each stage or the individual process.
- Input and Output Descriptions: Clarifications about the expected inputs and outputs of each step, aiding users in understanding the data flow.
- Description of parameters contained in the YAML jobfile
Annotating a CWL or job file
CWL or job files can be annotated using ontology terms in the yaml format. They support the use of namespaces according to the
schema salad specification. An example for the annotation with
authorship metadata can be found here. The metadata concerning the executed
run should be separated in the CWL and job file, depending on what the metadata describes. If an input for a tool, that is specified in the job file, is described, the
metadata should be placed in the job file. If the metadata describes the tool itself, it should be placed in the CWL file.
In the case of a self contained tool, the corresponding metadata section could look like this and would be located in the cwl file:
arc:has technology type:
- class: arc:technology type
arc:annotation value: "Docker Container"
arc:technology platform: ".NET"
- class: arc:Person
arc:first name: "Example"
arc:last name: "Person"
arc:email: "example.person@email.de "
arc:affiliation: "Institution"
arc:has role:
- class: arc:role
arc:term accession: "https://credit.niso.org/contributor-roles/formal-analysis/"
arc:annotation value: "Formal analysis"
arc:has process sequence:
- class: arc:process sequence
arc:name: "script.fsx"
arc:has input:
- class: arc:data
arc:name: "folderIn/input.table"
arc:has output:
- class: arc:data
arc:name: "folderout/output.table"
arc:has parameter value:
- class: arc:process parameter value
arc:has parameter:
- class: arc:protocol parameter
arc:has parameter name:
- class: arc:parameter name
arc:term accession: "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C43582"
arc:term source REF: "NCIT"
arc:annotation value: "Data Transformation"
- class: arc:ontology annotation
arc:term accession: "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C64911"
arc:term source REF: "NCIT"
arc:annotation value: "Addition"
arc: https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC_ontology
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfdi4plants/ARC_ontology/main/ARC_v2.0.owl
This metadata section provides information about the technology platform and the person executing the workflow. It also provides information about the tool input
and output files, as well as the operations that are applied to the data. In this case, everything is encoded in the executed script and there are no variable inputs.
Therefore, all metadata is written in the CWL file. An example for this can be found here.
Frequently though, tools have input parameters, that alter the tools execution or input and output files. In this case, the metadata has to be written in the right location. For a tool with
varying inputs and specifiable output location, this could look as the following for the CWL file:
arc:has technology type:
- class: arc:technology type
arc:annotation value: "Docker Container"
arc:technology platform: ".NET"
- class: arc:Person
arc:first name: "Example"
arc:last name: "Person"
arc:email: "example.person@email.de "
arc:affiliation: "Institution"
arc:has role:
- class: arc:role
arc:term accession: "https://credit.niso.org/contributor-roles/formal-analysis/"
arc:annotation value: "Formal analysis"
arc:has process sequence:
- class: arc:process sequence
arc:name: "script.fsx"
arc:has parameter value:
- class: arc:process parameter value
arc:has parameter:
- class: arc:protocol parameter
arc:has parameter name:
- class: arc:parameter name
arc:term accession: "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C43582"
arc:term source REF: "NCIT"
arc:annotation value: "Data Transformation"
- class: arc:ontology annotation
arc:term accession: "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C64911"
arc:term source REF: "NCIT"
arc:annotation value: "Addition"
And this for the job file:
arc:has process sequence:
- class: arc:process sequence
arc:has input:
- class: arc:data
arc:name: "folderIn/input.table"
arc:has output:
- class: arc:data
arc:name: "folderout/output.table"
arc: https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC_ontology
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfdi4plants/ARC_ontology/main/ARC_v2.0.owl
Examples for this can be found here
for the cwl file and here for the job file.
An application example including metadata can be found here. It contains a CWL
file with the ARC mounted and a fixed script. The CWL file has two mandatory and one optional parameter. There is one job file
for the execution without the optional parameter and one job file for
the execution with the optional parameter. The metadata between the two job files differs by the metadata concerning the optional parameter.