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last updated at 2022-12-13 Addition of an isa.investigation.xlsx

⚠️ Make sure to close all isa.*.xlsx files before submitting a new command to the command line, as otherwise the information cannot be saved by the ARC Commander.

⚠️ Avoid using spaces in the identifier. Use underscores and capital letters instead.

💡 Suggestion: Use your ARC name (without spaces) as your temporary identifier.

Field Description Input
Identifier (Mandatory) A identifier or an accession number provided by a repository. 2021_TestARC05
Title A concise name given to the investigation. Redox behaviour of yeast mutant M21
Description A textual description of the investigation. M21 lacks in protein P09 and is susceptible to H2O2 Treatment. The molecular and phenotypical responses are studied.
SubmissionDate The date on which the investigation was reported to the repository. Formatted as ISO8601 date
PublicReleaseDate The date on which the investigation was released publicly. Formatted as ISO8601 date

💡 You don't need to fill every row from the beginning, as ARCs are intended as an evolving object that shapes over time.

Registering persons to investigation

💡 If an investigation covers several studies with various groups and persons, it may be beneficial to register corresponding contacts to the investigation and register all study-related persons in each study.

Field Description Input
LastName (Mandatory) The last name of a person associated with the investigation. Doe
FirstName (Mandatory) The first name of a person associated with the investigation. John
MidInitials The middle initials of a person associated with the investigation. P
Email The email address of a person associated with the investigation. jpdoe@mail.com
Phone The telephone number of a person associated with the investigation. +49(0)631 205 3045
Fax The fax number of a person associated with the investigation.
Address The address of a person associated with the investigation. Paul Ehrlich Straße 23, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Affiliation The organization affiliation for a person associated with the investigation. Department of M21 Measurements, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
(not ISA-Tab format, will be added as a comment)
The ORCID iD of the person XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Roles Term to classify the role(s) performed by this person in the context of the investigation, which means that the roles reported here need not correspond to roles held withing their affiliated organization. Multiple annotations or values attached to one person can be provided by using a semicolon (“;”) Unicode (U0003+B) as a separator (e.g.: submitter;funder;sponsor). The term can be free text or from, for example, a controlled vocabulary or an ontology. If the latter source is used the Term Accession Number and Term Source REF fields below are required. supervisor
RolesTermAccessionNumber The accession number from the Term Source associated with the selected term.
RolesTermSourceREF Identifies the controlled vocabulary or ontology that this term comes from. The Source REF has to match one of the Term Source Names declared in the Ontology Source Reference section. RolesTermSourceREF: e.g. https://sparontologies.github.io/scoro/current/scoro.html SCORO
Listing and inspecting registered persons Editing person information Removing a person Registering publications to investigation
Field Description Input
DOI (Mandatory) A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for that publication (where available). 2021_ARC05_Pub01tmp
PubMedID The PubMed IDs of the described publication(s) associated with this investigation.
AuthorList The list of authors associated with that publication. John P Doe; Eva Muller
Title The title of publication associated with the investigation.
Status A term describing the status of that publication (i.e. submitted, in preparation, published). in preparation
StatusTermAccessionNumber The accession number from the Term Source associated with the selected term. http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0001795
StatusTermSourceREF Identifies the controlled vocabulary or ontology that this term comes from. The Source REF has to match one of the Term Source Names declared in the Ontology Source Reference section. The Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) is an example for describing the status. EFO
Listing and inspecting registered publications Editing publication information Removing a publication
Contribution Guide 📖
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