ARC Commander Hands-on


Everyone signed-up at the DataHUB?

Check your installation

Open a terminal and one after the other execute

git --version
git-lfs --version
arc --version

💡 If you see a warning at any of these, let us know.


git config --global --get-regexp user

💡 If this does not display your user name and email, you need to configure git.

Have a simple text editor ready

  • Windows Notepad
  • MacOS TextEdit

Recommended text editor with code highlighting, git support, terminal, etc: Visual Studio Code

Create a fresh folder for your ARCs

For this workshop, create a new folder somewhere on your machine where you want to store ARCs, e.g. in your documents folder:

  • C:\Users\<username>\Documents\workshop-arcs (windows)
  • ~/Documents/workshop-arcs (mac)

⚠️ Ideally this folder is not "watched" by any cloud service (Sciebo, google drive, iCloud, etc.)

Hands-on with demo data

First steps towards your ARC using the ARC Commander

Download the demo data

git clone ""

You just received your data


  • Structure,
  • Annotate, and
  • Share your experimental data.

💡 We'll talk about data annotation later

Structure your data

Your fresh ARC folder

  1. Create a new folder, which you want to initialize as an ARC.
  2. Open the command line inside the folder or navigate via command line to that folder.

For example:

mkdir -p ~/Documents/workshop-arcs/arc-demo
cd ~/Documents/workshop-arcs/arc-demo

Initiate the ARC folder structure

arc init

Create an investigation

arc investigation create -i TalinumPhotosynthesis

Add a person

arc i person register --lastname Brilhaus --firstname Dominik --email --affiliation CEPLAS

Add a study

arc study add -s talinum_drought

Add assays

arc assay add -s talinum_drought -a rnaseq
arc assay add -s talinum_drought -a metabolomics

Collaborate and share

Upload your local ARC to the DataHUB

arc sync -f -r<username>/arc-demo

Sort the demo data into the ARC

Identify "raw dataset(s)" and "protocols" and move them to the proper subfolders in the ARC.

Sync your ARC to the DataHUB

To save the changes, sync the ARC to the DataHUB including a message.

arc sync -m "sorted the demo data"

Check the ARC in the DataHUB

Navigate to<username>/arc-demo to visit your ARC in the DataHUB

Your ARC is ready


Slides presented here include contributions by